In a bowl, combine lukewarm water and sourdough starter. Stir until thoroughly mixed.
Slowly add whole wheat flour and bread flour while stirring until it forms a rough dough. Let the dough rest for around 30 minutes to an hour. It let the flour to soak up the water and the gluten to form.
After the rest, add some salt onto the dough. Knead the dough either on a light floured surface or in the bowl for around 10 minutes until it becomes elastic and smooth.
Perform some folding and stretching motions to make the dough stronger. It involves grabbing a side of the dough, stretch it up and fold it over the center. Repeat the process several times, rotating the bowl as required.
Once kneaded, put the dough back in the bowl and cover it with the plastic wrap or a wet cloth. Let it sit at room temperature until it has doubled in size, it may take around 4-6 hours. During this time, you can perform stretching and folding every 30 minutes to develop the gluten.
After the dough has risen, gently put it on a surface sprinkle with flour. For making two loaves, divide the dough into two parts. Then, shape each into a round ball. You can also make a braided loaf to look like a ballerina.
Put the dough formed either in a basket lined with cloth or on a flavoured surface, seam side up.
Cover the dump with a plastic wrap or a damp cloth and let it sit for around an hour or two until it feels airy.
Set the temperature of the oven to 450 F(230 C). Place a shallow pan on the bottom rack of the oven.
Once the dough rises again, you can use a knife to make cuts on the top of loaf to make decorative patterns.
Place the baking sheet in the oven and add a cup of water to the shallow pan to make stream. It makes the crispy crust.
Bake for around 25-30 minutes until the bread turns golden brown and sounds hollow while tapping the bottom.
Let the bread sit on a wire rack for a minimum of half an hour before slicing. It’s time to enjoy the ballerina farm sourdough.