First of all, peel off the ripe banana and add it to the blender.
Now, add the unsweetened almond milk to the blender.
With a spoon add the unsweetened cocoa powder.
Include the chia seeds for an additional splash of fiber and omega-3 fatty acids.
Add the almond butter for a creamy texture and healthy fats.
If you prefer it bit more sweet, make sure to include honey or maple syrup. You can adjust the sweetening as per your taste.
You can include ice cubes for a cold and thick consistency.
Mix the ingredients until creamy and smooth.
Give the smoothie a taste and make it sweet and thick by including some orehoney, maple syrup or ice cubes.
Pour the smoothie into the glass and enjoy the healthy and delightful treat.
Keyword how to make a chocolate smoothie recipe, how to make a healthy chocolate milkshake, How to Make a Healthy Chocolate Smoothie, how to make a healthy chocolate smoothie bowl, Make a Healthy Chocolate Smoothie